How can we find moments for ourselves?

Hello all you brilliant people

I hope you have all had a good week - I've had a good one but a super full one - travelling, writing, speaking and it's been great.

Now as I write this though I'm reflecting and resting.

Life is full and there are always things to do I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that - what really strikes me is how do we ensure there are the moments of joy and wonder even in the most full of days?

For me yesterday I found these things helped..

I took time to look up and see the stunning sky.

I turned the radio up when I heard a fab tune - and let myself just enjoy it.

I got on my bike to get to lunch rather than driving - it gave me 20 mins of fun and joy (as it was one of those electric ones!)

I laughed with people.

It seems so simple, however I know we often don't do these things. At a gig this week I asked the question how many of you play enough? Only two hands went up. That makes me sad - Play is so important. So I Wonder what can yoi do to Play this weekend?

Talking of Play I had the best time on my pod this week talking all things Sisterhood if you want a giggle listen in.

Have a great week.

