Time to be Brave?

This is your time...

Time to Be Brave!!

Hello Good People!!

How are you? Once again apologies it has been a while.. I do think I have a fair excuse as I did go off and get married!! The party was awesome, the wedding was magical and the Honeymoon was joyous - go to Madeira it is an amazing place.


I have had some time to really think about where I am and what I am doing in all the areas of my life. I am so grateful to where I am right now. It is now time though to up my game - why? Well I want Laugh Think Play to truly grow and reach one million people to start and I know in order to make that happen the more my profile grows the easier it will be - it is just the way of the world.

So, I am being brave and I am sharing with you my plans for the next two years…

Podcast - Clowning Around is going to grow and get a full social team around it - with no marketing it has got into the top 30 charts and I want more of that. This weeks episode is an example of how cool the people are that I get to chat to - Spoken Word Artist Peju Abuchi - she is just a marvellous soul.

Speaking - I am going to speak on more global big stages - I have just been booked to speak at Harvard University - it is now time to back that up with more gigs. (I mean right!!!)

Writing - my second book is going to be published in 2025 September - I am going to get a deal and do this - I now know the title and the subject matter - It is going to be called - Self Belief - The guide for Women. (or around that!!)

Shows - I am going to take the Em Show to Edinburgh in 2025 and do a run in London in December for a week. Whoop!!

TV and Radio - I am going to start working on my new TV show idea and I am going to actively look to get an agent and get this Clown on TV and radio!!

Coaching - I am only going to run two group coaching programmes a year (for coaches and facilitators) if you want to join my waitlist for this…

Plus I will offer 10 days with Em and that will be it apart from one VIP soul - I love Coaching and it is time for me to share wisdom to other coaches and only play with a few cool people in the year

Laugh Think Play - In September our Masterminds will open - I will run one in London - others will be around the UK plus our weekly gym session to feel better will be opening for subscription soon! Plus free events… so much planned

Why am I telling you all of this? Well for a few reasons, first I have never felt so clear, so energised about all of my work - I am ready for all of this - this is where all the rest of my life has been leading me to.

What do I need from you all? Well I need some help to start off..

If you have ever been to a conference or an event and you know someone involved in the organising of said conference can you send me their details? Or better still intro me! Ideally I want to speak at Company Conferences as one of the guest speakers - normally I get given the final slot or the slot after lunch. So please think of who you know that could help me! Thank you all in advance! I want to be global so go big good people!!

In addition I want to know who you have worked with who has been awesome in terms of social media support - I need a person or an agency who has worked with super successful people in raising their brands. Any contacts would be great!!

So there you have it. Me being brave. Telling you my truth and where I am at… I will share how I am doing on this and do know that I will share ideas and ways you can grow, have more impact etc in the next issues of this.

Go be brave.


